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Consistent with the Police Act (RSQ, chapter P-13.1), the Sûreté du Québec serves the thirteen municipalities of the suburban Haut-Richelieu through an agreement between the Minister of Public Safety and MRC. The latter includes among others:
  • the number of police
  • the manner in which police services are rendered
  • exchange of information between the Police and the MRC
  • monitoring the implementation of the agreement
  • the location of the police station and substation auxiliary
  • the mechanism for settling disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the agreement
  • the duration of the agreement, 10 years

Section 78 of the Police Act provides for the creation of a public security committee to ensure implementation of the agreement. The committee's mandate is defined:
  • participates in developing the action plan bi-annual Security in the territory covered by the agreement, according to the priorities that have been identified, and make assessment
  • approves the plan of organization of police resources
  • participate in the selection of the location of the police stations, according to the requirements of public safety and effectiveness of policing and public policy for the leasing or acquisition of buildings
  • develop criteria for evaluating the performance of the Police as part of the agreement and, if it deems it appropriate, inform the police station chief of the citizens' appreciation of the police services they receive
  • gives his assessment of the performance director post

Finally, the committee may also make to the Policeany recommendations it deems appropriate and give the Minister advice on the work organization or training needs of police officers, and any other matters relating to police services under the agreement.